#!/usr/bin/bash # Author : Pavan Jadhaw # Github Profile : https://github.com/pavanjadhaw # Project Repository : https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen # create folder in ~/.cache/i3lock directory folder="$HOME/.cache/i3lock" # ratio for rectangle to be drawn for time background on lockscreen # Original Image orig_wall="$folder/wall.png" # Versions (from here) # You can use these images to set different versions as wallpaper # lockscreen background. resized="$folder/resized.png" # resized image for your resolution # images to be used as wallpaper dim="$folder/dim.png" # image with subtle overlay of black blur="$folder/blur.png" # blurred version dimblur="$folder/dimblur.png" # lockscreen images (images to be used as lockscreen background) l_resized="$folder/l_resized.png" l_dim="$folder/l_dim.png" l_blur="$folder/l_blur.png" l_dimblur="$folder/l_dimblur.png" prelock() { pkill -u "$USER" -USR1 dunst } lock() { #$1 image path letterEnteredColor=d23c3dff letterRemovedColor=d23c3dff passwordCorrect=00000000 passwordIncorrect=d23c3dff background=00000000 foreground=ffffffff i3lock \ -n -i "$1" \ --timepos="x-90:h-ch+30" \ --datepos="tx+24:ty+25" \ --clock --datestr "Type password to unlock..." \ --insidecolor=$background --ringcolor=$foreground --line-uses-inside \ --keyhlcolor=$letterEnteredColor --bshlcolor=$letterRemovedColor --separatorcolor=$background \ --insidevercolor=$passwordCorrect --insidewrongcolor=$passwordIncorrect \ --ringvercolor=$foreground --ringwrongcolor=$foreground --indpos="x+280:h-70" \ --radius=20 --ring-width=4 --veriftext="" --wrongtext="" \ --textcolor="$foreground" --timecolor="$foreground" --datecolor="$foreground" } postlock() { pkill -u "$USER" -USR2 dunst } rec_get_random() { dir="$1" if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then user_input="$dir" return fi dir=($dir/*) dir=${dir[RANDOM % ${#dir[@]}]} rec_get_random "$dir" } # Options case "$1" in "") if [ ! -f $l_dim ]; then echo "Important : Update the image cache, Ex. betterlockscreen -u path/to/image.jpg" echo echo "See also : For other set of options and help use help command." echo "Ex. betterlockscreen -h or betterlockscreen --help" echo echo "See : https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen for addition info..." exit 1 else echo echo "Seems you havent provided any argument, see below for usage info" echo echo "See also : For other set of options and help use help command." echo "Ex. betterlockscreen -h or betterlockscreen --help" echo echo "See : https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen for addition info..." echo exit 1 fi ;; -h | --help) echo "Important : Update the image cache, Ex: betterlockscreen -g path/to/image.jpg" echo " Image cache must be updated to initially configure or update wallpaper used" echo echo echo "See : https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen for additional info..." echo echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h --help" echo " For help. Ex: betterlockscreen -h or betterlockscreen --help" echo echo echo " -u --update" echo " to update image cache, you should do this before using any other options" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png when image.png is custom background" echo " Or you can use betterlockscreen -u path/to/imagedir and a random file will be selected" echo echo echo " -l --lock" echo " to lock screen, Ex. betterlockscreen -l" echo " you can also use dimmed or blurred background for lockscreen" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -l dim (for dimmed background)" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -l blur (for blurred background)" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -l dimblur (for dimmed + blurred background)" echo echo echo " -w --wall" echo " you can also set lockscreen background as wallpaper" echo " to set wallpaper. Ex betterlockscreen -w or betterlockscreen --wall" echo " you can also use dimmed or blurred variants" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -w dim (for dimmed wallpaper)" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -w blur (for blurred wallpaper)" echo " Ex: betterlockscreen -w dimblur (for dimmed + blurred wallpaper)" echo ;; -l | --lock) case "$2" in "") # default lockscreen prelock playerctl pause > /dev/null 2>&1 lock "$l_resized" postlock ;; dim) # lockscreen with dimmed background prelock lock "$l_dim" postlock ;; blur) # set lockscreen with blurred background prelock lock "$l_blur" postlock ;; dimblur) # set lockscreen with dimmed + blurred background prelock lock "$l_dimblur" postlock ;; esac ;; -w | --wall) case "$2" in "") # set resized image as wallpaper if no argument is supplied by user feh --bg-fill $resized ;; dim) # set dimmed image as wallpaper feh --bg-fill $dim ;; blur) # set blurred image as wallpaper feh --bg-fill $blur ;; dimblur) # set dimmed + blurred image as wallpaper feh --bg-fill $dimblur ;; esac ;; -u | --update) rectangles=" " SR=$(xrandr --query | grep ' connected' | grep -o '[0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*[^ ]*') for RES in $SR; do SRA=(${RES//[x+]/ }) CX=$((${SRA[2]} + 25)) CY=$((${SRA[1]} - 30)) rectangles+="rectangle $CX,$CY $((CX+300)),$((CY-80)) " done # User supplied Image user_image="$folder/user_image.png" # find your resolution so images can be resized to match your screen resolution y_res=$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+x[0-9]+).*$/\1/') # create folder if [ ! -d $folder ]; then echo "Creating '$folder' directory to cache processed images." mkdir -p "$folder" fi # get random file in dir if passed argument is a dir rec_get_random "$2" # get user image cp "$user_input" "$user_image" if [ ! -f $user_image ]; then echo "Please specify the path to the image you would like to use" exit 1 fi # replace orignal with user image cp "$user_image" "$orig_wall" rm "$user_image" echo "Generating alternate images based on the image you specified," echo "please wait this might take few seconds..." # wallpapers echo echo "Converting provided image to match your resolution..." # resize image convert "$orig_wall" -resize "$y_res""^" -gravity center -extent "$y_res" "$resized" echo echo "Applying dim and blur effect to resized image" # dim convert "$resized" -fill black -colorize 40% "$dim" # blur convert "$resized" -blur 0x5 "$blur" # dimblur convert "$dim" -blur 0x5 "$dimblur" # lockscreen backgrounds echo echo "Caching images for faster screen locking" # resized convert "$resized" -draw "fill black fill-opacity 0.4 $rectangles" "$l_resized" # dim convert "$dim" -draw "fill black fill-opacity 0.4 $rectangles" "$l_dim" # blur convert "$blur" -draw "fill black fill-opacity 0.4 $rectangles" "$l_blur" # blur convert "$dimblur" -draw "fill black fill-opacity 0.4 $rectangles" "$l_dimblur" echo echo "All required changes have been applied" ;; esac