fix symlinks

This commit is contained in:
GNUxeava 2022-07-10 22:39:12 +05:30
parent f5dbe001e9
commit d01c8c9aaf
176 changed files with 4409 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Contributing to kitty-themes
We always welcome your pull request! To start contributing follow these simple
1. Fork the repo and create your branch from `master`;
2. Add your theme as config file under `themes` directory;
3. Issue the pull request through github;

kitty/kitty-themes/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Fabrizio Destro <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

kitty/kitty-themes/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
> **Personalize** your *kitty* terminal and choose your theme from this awesome
> collection, for more information on the terminal visit
[![License: MIT][license-badge]][license]
[![All Contributors](](#contributors)
- [About](#about)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Source Code](#source-code)
- [Conda](#conda)
- [License](#license)
- [Bring me to the previews!](#previews)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
## About
In this repository you can find a set of themes to personalize your kitty
terminal, these have been ported from [iTerm2-Color-Schemes][iterm2-themes]. You can find
the previews for each theme in the [section](#previews) below or in this other
## Installation
### Source Code
1. If you want to download and use one of these theme you have two options:
- clone the entire *kitty-themes* repository:
git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes
- or download just one theme:
wget "$THEME" -P ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes
2. Choose a theme and create a symlink:
cd ~/.config/kitty
ln -s ./kitty-themes/themes/Floraverse.conf ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf
3. Add this line to your kitty.conf configuration file:
include ./theme.conf
### Conda
If you using the ``conda`` package manager, you may also install these themes
with the following command:
conda install -c conda-forge kitty-themes
## License
All original content of this repository is licensed with the [MIT
License](./ Whenever possible the author of the theme is cited
inside each theme configuration file, together with its license. Hit me up if
you find your theme inside this repository and you want a proper citation.
## Previews
If you have followed the [installation](#installation) instructions and cloned
the entire repo, you have two options to try a theme:
1. If you have enabled remote control in *kitty* you can run this command:
kitty @ set-colors -a "~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes/AdventureTime.conf"
2. Otherwise you can start another instance of kitty and specify another config
file to read from, this will cause *kitty* to read both its normal config
file and the specified one:
kitty -o include="~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes/AdventureTime.conf"
### Bonus
Try your new theme with one of the scripts in [Color-scripts][color-scripts] with this
one-liner (requires `jq`):
wget -q -O - $(curl -s $COLOR_SCRIPT_REPO | jq '.[] | "\(.path) \(.download_url)"' -r | shuf -n1 | cut -d " " -f2) | bash
### 3024 Day
### 3024 Night
### AdventureTime
### Afterglow
### AlienBlood
### Alucard
### Apprentice
### Argonaut
### Arthur
### AtelierSulphurpool
### Atom
### AtomOneLight
### ayu
### ayu light
### ayu mirage
### Batman
### Belafonte Day
### Belafonte Night
### BirdsOfParadise
### Blazer
### Borland
### Bright Lights
### Broadcast
### Brogrammer
### C64
### Chalk
### Chalkboard
### Ciapre
### CLRS
### Cobalt2
### Cobalt Neon
### CrayonPonyFish
### Dark Pastel
### Darkside
### Desert
### DimmedMonokai
### DotGov
### Dracula
### Dumbledore
### Duotone Dark
### Earthsong
### Elemental
### Espresso
### Espresso Libre
### Fideloper
### FishTank
### Flat
### Flatland
### Floraverse
### FrontEndDelight
### FunForrest
### Galaxy
### Github
### Glacier
### GoaBase
### Grape
### Grass
### gruvbox dark
### gruvbox light
### Hardcore
### Harper
### Highway
### Hipster Green
### Homebrew
### Hurtado
### Hybrid
### IC Green PPL
### IC Orange PPL
### idleToes
### IR Black
### Jackie Brown
### Japanesque
### Jellybeans
### JetBrains Darcula
### Kibble
### Later This Evening
### Lavandula
### LiquidCarbon
### LiquidCarbonTransparent
### LiquidCarbonTransparentInverse
### Man Page
### Material
### MaterialDark
### Mathias
### Medallion
### Misterioso
### Molokai
### MonaLisa
### Monokai Classic
### Monokai Pro
### Monokai Pro (Filter Machine)
### Monokai Pro (Filter Octagon)
### Monokai Pro (Filter Ristretto)
### Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum)
### Monokai Soda
### N0tch2k
### Neopolitan
### Neutron
### NightLion v1
### NightLion v2
### Nova
### Novel
### Obsidian
### Ocean
### OceanicMaterial
### Ollie
### OneDark
### Parasio Dark
### PaulMillr
### PencilDark
### PencilLight
### Piatto Light
### Pnevma
### Pro
### Red Alert
### Red Sands
### Relaxed Afterglow
### Renault Style
### Renault Style Light
### Rippedcasts
### Royal
### Seafoam Pastel
### SeaShells
### Seti
### Shaman
### Slate
### Smyck
### snazzy
### SoftServer
### Solarized Darcula
### Solarized Dark
### Solarized Dark Higher Contrast
### Solarized Dark - Patched
### Solarized Light
### Source Code X
### Spacedust
### SpaceGray
### SpaceGray Eighties
### SpaceGray Eighties Dull
### Spiderman
### Spring
### Square
### Sundried
### Symfonic
### Tango Dark
### Tango Light
### Teerb
### Thayer Bright
### The Hulk
### Tomorrow
### Tomorrow Night
### Tomorrow Night Blue
### Tomorrow Night Bright
### Tomorrow Night Eighties
### ToyChest
### Treehouse
### Twilight
### Ubuntu
### Urple
### Vaughn
### VibrantInk
### WarmNeon
### Wez
### WildCherry
### Wombat
### Wryan
### Zenburn
## Contributors
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Anthony Scopatz</b></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>RCKT</b></a><br /><a href="#theme-orangecoloured" title="New theme added to the collection">😻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>varmanishant</b></a><br /><a href="#theme-varmanishant" title="New theme added to the collection">😻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Rasmus Lerdorf</b></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="#ideas-rlerdorf" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Luflosi</b></a><br /><a href="#fix-Luflosi" title="Fixed a theme">🛠️</a> <a href="#question-Luflosi" title="Answering Questions">💬</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Connor Holyday</b></a><br /><a href="#fix-connorholyday" title="Fixed a theme">🛠️</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>BlueDrink9</b></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Anders Brujordet</b></a><br /><a href="#theme-brujoand" title="New theme added to the collection">😻</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><b>Rajesh Rajendran</b></a><br /><a href="#fix-rjshrjndrn" title="Fixed a theme">🛠️</a></td>
This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #f7f7f7
foreground #494542
cursor #494542
selection_background #a4a1a1
color0 #090200
color8 #5b5754
color1 #da2c20
color9 #e8bacf
color2 #00a152
color10 #3a3332
color3 #fcec02
color11 #494542
color4 #00a0e4
color12 #7f7c7b
color5 #a06994
color13 #d6d4d3
color6 #b5e4f4
color14 #ccab53
color7 #a4a1a1
color15 #f7f7f7
selection_foreground #f7f7f7

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #090200
foreground #a4a1a1
cursor #a4a1a1
selection_background #494542
color0 #090200
color8 #5b5754
color1 #da2c20
color9 #e8bacf
color2 #00a152
color10 #3a3332
color3 #fcec02
color11 #494542
color4 #00a0e4
color12 #7f7c7b
color5 #a06994
color13 #d6d4d3
color6 #b5e4f4
color14 #ccab53
color7 #a4a1a1
color15 #f7f7f7
selection_foreground #090200

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1e1c44
foreground #f8dbc0
cursor #eebf37
selection_background #6f6a4e
color0 #050404
color8 #4e7bbf
color1 #bc0013
color9 #fc5e59
color2 #49b117
color10 #9dff6e
color3 #e6741d
color11 #efc11a
color4 #0f49c6
color12 #1896c6
color5 #665992
color13 #9a5952
color6 #6fa497
color14 #c8f9f3
color7 #f8dbc0
color15 #f5f4fb
selection_foreground #1e1c44

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #202020
foreground #d0d0d0
cursor #d0d0d0
selection_background #303030
color0 #151515
color8 #505050
color1 #ac4142
color9 #ac4142
color2 #7e8d50
color10 #7e8d50
color3 #e5b566
color11 #e5b566
color4 #6c99ba
color12 #6c99ba
color5 #9e4e85
color13 #9e4e85
color6 #7dd5cf
color14 #7dd5cf
color7 #d0d0d0
color15 #f5f5f5
selection_foreground #202020

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0f160f
foreground #637d75
cursor #73f990
selection_background #1d4025
color0 #112615
color8 #3c4711
color1 #7f2b26
color9 #df8008
color2 #2f7e25
color10 #18e000
color3 #707f23
color11 #bde000
color4 #2f697f
color12 #00a9df
color5 #47577e
color13 #0058df
color6 #317f76
color14 #00dfc3
color7 #647d75
color15 #73f990
selection_foreground #0f160f

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #222330
foreground #cef3ff
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #44475a
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #ff5555
color9 #ff5454
color2 #fa0074
color10 #50fa7b
color3 #7f0a1f
color11 #f0fa8b
color4 #3282ff
color12 #1200f8
color5 #1b3cff
color13 #ff78c5
color6 #0037fc
color14 #8ae9fc
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #222330

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Apprentice by Romain Lafourcade,
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see
cursor #c7c7c7
cursor_text_color #feffff
selection_foreground #3e3e3e
selection_background #c1ddff
foreground #c8c8c8
background #323232
color0 #252525
color8 #555555
color1 #be7472
color9 #ff9900
color2 #709772
color10 #97bb98
color3 #989772
color11 #fefdbc
color4 #7199bc
color12 #9fbdde
color5 #727399
color13 #989abc
color6 #719899
color14 #6fbbbc
color7 #7f7f7f
color15 #feffff

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0d0f18
foreground #fffaf3
cursor #ff0017
selection_background #002a3a
color0 #222222
color8 #444444
color1 #ff000f
color9 #ff273f
color2 #8ce00a
color10 #abe05a
color3 #ffb900
color11 #ffd141
color4 #008df8
color12 #0092ff
color5 #6c43a5
color13 #9a5feb
color6 #00d7eb
color14 #67ffef
color7 #ffffff
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #0d0f18

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1c1c1c
foreground #ddeedd
cursor #e2bbef
selection_background #4d4d4d
color0 #3d352a
color8 #554444
color1 #cd5c5c
color9 #cc5533
color2 #86af80
color10 #88aa22
color3 #e8ae5b
color11 #ffa75d
color4 #6495ed
color12 #87ceeb
color5 #deb887
color13 #996600
color6 #b0c4de
color14 #b0c4de
color7 #bbaa99
color15 #ddccbb
selection_foreground #1c1c1c

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #202745
foreground #969cb3
cursor #969cb3
selection_background #5e6686
color0 #202745
color8 #6a7394
color1 #c84821
color9 #c76a28
color2 #ab9639
color10 #283256
color3 #c08a2f
color11 #5e6686
color4 #3d8ed0
color12 #898ea3
color5 #6678cc
color13 #dee1f0
color6 #21a1c8
color14 #9c6279
color7 #969cb3
color15 #f4f7ff
selection_foreground #202745

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #161718
foreground #c4c8c5
cursor #d0d0d0
selection_background #444444
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #fc5ef0
color9 #fc5ef0
color2 #86c38a
color10 #94f936
color3 #ffd6b1
color11 #f5ffa7
color4 #85befd
color12 #95cbfe
color5 #b9b5fc
color13 #b9b5fc
color6 #85befd
color14 #85befd
color7 #dfdfdf
color15 #dfdfdf
selection_foreground #161718

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #f8f8f8
foreground #2a2b33
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #ececec
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #de3d35
color9 #de3d35
color2 #3e953a
color10 #3e953a
color3 #d2b67b
color11 #d2b67b
color4 #2f5af3
color12 #2f5af3
color5 #950095
color13 #a00095
color6 #3e953a
color14 #3e953a
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #f8f8f8

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1b1d1e
foreground #6e6e6e
cursor #fcee0b
selection_background #4d4f4c
color0 #1b1d1e
color8 #505354
color1 #e6db43
color9 #fff68d
color2 #c8be46
color10 #fff27c
color3 #f3fd21
color11 #feed6c
color4 #737074
color12 #909495
color5 #737271
color13 #9a999d
color6 #615f5e
color14 #a2a2a5
color7 #c5c5be
color15 #dadad5
selection_foreground #1b1d1e

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #d4ccb9
foreground #45363b
cursor #45363b
selection_background #958b83
color0 #20111a
color8 #5e5252
color1 #bd100d
color9 #bd100d
color2 #858062
color10 #858062
color3 #e9a448
color11 #e9a448
color4 #416978
color12 #416978
color5 #96522b
color13 #96522b
color6 #98999c
color14 #98999c
color7 #958b83
color15 #d4ccb9
selection_foreground #d4ccb9

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #20111a
foreground #958b83
cursor #958b83
selection_background #45363b
color0 #20111a
color8 #5e5252
color1 #bd100d
color9 #bd100d
color2 #858062
color10 #858062
color3 #e9a448
color11 #e9a448
color4 #416978
color12 #416978
color5 #96522b
color13 #96522b
color6 #98999c
color14 #98999c
color7 #958b83
color15 #d4ccb9
selection_foreground #20111a

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2a1e1d
foreground #dfdab7
cursor #573d25
selection_background #563c27
color0 #573d25
color8 #9a6b49
color1 #be2d26
color9 #e84526
color2 #6ba08a
color10 #94d7ba
color3 #e99c29
color11 #d0d04f
color4 #5a86ac
color12 #b8d3ed
color5 #ab80a6
color13 #d09dca
color6 #74a5ac
color14 #92ced6
color7 #dfdab7
color15 #fff9d4
selection_foreground #2a1e1d

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0d1925
foreground #d9e5f1
cursor #d9e5f1
color0 #000000
color8 #252525
color1 #b87979
color9 #dabdbd
color2 #79b879
color10 #bddabd
color3 #b8b879
color11 #dadabd
color4 #7979b8
color12 #bdbdda
color5 #b879b8
color13 #dabdda
color6 #79b8b8
color14 #bddada
color7 #d9d9d9
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #0d1925
selection_background #d9e6f2

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0000a3
foreground #ffff4d
cursor #ffa460
selection_background #a3a3a3
color0 #4e4e4e
color8 #7c7c7c
color1 #ff6b60
color9 #ffb6b0
color2 #a7ff60
color10 #ceffab
color3 #ffffb6
color11 #ffffcb
color4 #96cafd
color12 #b5dcfe
color5 #ff73fd
color13 #ff9cfe
color6 #c6c4fd
color14 #dfdffe
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #0000a3

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #191919
foreground #b2c8d6
cursor #f34a00
selection_background #b2c8d6
color0 #191919
color8 #191919
color1 #ff355b
color9 #ff355b
color2 #b6e875
color10 #b6e875
color3 #ffc150
color11 #ffc150
color4 #75d3ff
color12 #75d4ff
color5 #b975e6
color13 #b975e6
color6 #6cbeb5
color14 #6cbeb5
color7 #c1c8d6
color15 #c1c8d6
selection_foreground #191919

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2b2b2b
foreground #e5e1db
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #5a637e
color0 #000000
color8 #323232
color1 #da4839
color9 #ff7b6a
color2 #509f50
color10 #83d082
color3 #ffd249
color11 #ffff7b
color4 #6d9cbd
color12 #9fcef0
color5 #cfcfff
color13 #ffffff
color6 #6d9cbd
color14 #a0cef0
color7 #ffffff
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #2b2b2b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #131313
foreground #d6dae4
cursor #b9b9b9
selection_background #1f1f1f
color0 #1f1f1f
color8 #d6dae4
color1 #f71118
color9 #de342e
color2 #2cc55d
color10 #1dd260
color3 #ecb90f
color11 #f2bd09
color4 #2a84d2
color12 #0f80d5
color5 #4e59b7
color13 #524fb9
color6 #0f80d5
color14 #0f7cda
color7 #d6dae4
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #131313

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #40318d
foreground #7869c4
cursor #7869c4
selection_background #7869c4
color0 #090300
color8 #000000
color1 #883932
color9 #883932
color2 #55a049
color10 #55a049
color3 #bfce72
color11 #bfce72
color4 #40318d
color12 #40318d
color5 #8b3f96
color13 #8a3e95
color6 #67b6bd
color14 #67b6bd
color7 #ffffff
color15 #f7f7f7
selection_foreground #40318d

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #ffffff
foreground #262626
cursor #6fd2fc
selection_background #6fd2fc
color0 #000000
color8 #545753
color1 #f72729
color9 #fb0416
color2 #32895c
color10 #2cc631
color3 #f96f1c
color11 #fcd627
color4 #125ccf
color12 #156ffe
color5 #9f00bc
color13 #e800b0
color6 #32c2c0
color14 #39d5ce
color7 #b2b2b2
color15 #ededec
selection_foreground #ffffff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2b2c2e
foreground #d2d8d9
cursor #708183
selection_background #e3e8ed
color0 #7c8a8f
color8 #888888
color1 #b23a51
color9 #f24840
color2 #789a69
color10 #80c46f
color3 #b9ab4a
color11 #ffeb62
color4 #2a7fac
color12 #4095ff
color5 #bc4f5a
color13 #fb5175
color6 #44a799
color14 #52ccbd
color7 #d2d8d9
color15 #d2d8d9
selection_foreground #2b2c2e

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #29262f
foreground #d9e6f2
cursor #d9e6f2
selection_background #073642
color0 #000000
color8 #323232
color1 #c37372
color9 #dbaaaa
color2 #72c373
color10 #aadbaa
color3 #c2c372
color11 #dadbaa
color4 #7372c3
color12 #aaaadb
color5 #c372c2
color13 #dbaada
color6 #72c2c3
color14 #aadadb
color7 #d9d9d9
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #29262f

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #181c27
foreground #ada37a
cursor #91805a
selection_background #172539
color0 #181818
color8 #555555
color1 #800009
color9 #ab3834
color2 #48513b
color10 #a6a65d
color3 #cc8a3e
color11 #dcde7b
color4 #566d8c
color12 #2f97c6
color5 #724c7c
color13 #d33060
color6 #5b4f4a
color14 #f3dab1
color7 #ada37e
color15 #f3f3f3
selection_foreground #181c27

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #122637
foreground #ffffff
cursor #f0cb09
selection_background #18344f
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #ff0000
color9 #f40d17
color2 #37dd21
color10 #3bcf1d
color3 #fee409
color11 #ecc809
color4 #1460d2
color12 #5555ff
color5 #ff005d
color13 #ff55ff
color6 #00bbbb
color14 #6ae3f9
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #122637

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #142838
foreground #8ff586
cursor #c4206f
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #140607
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #212324
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #333333
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1e1e1e
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Theme ported from the Mac Terminal application.
background #323232
foreground #ffffff
cursor #d6d6d6
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #241200
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #f4f4f4
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #161423
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Theme ported from the Mac Terminal application.
background #12773d
foreground #fff0a4
cursor #8b2800
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #121212
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #212224
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Theme ported from the Mac Terminal application.
background #000000
foreground #00ff00
cursor #23ff18
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #000000
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #161718
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #3a3c3e
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #262626
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1d1d1d
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #111111
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #202020
foreground #adadad
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #1a3272
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #fa5355
color9 #fb7172
color2 #126e00
color10 #67ff4f
color3 #c2c300
color11 #ffff00
color4 #4581eb
color12 #6d9df1
color5 #fa54ff
color13 #fb82ff
color6 #33c2c1
color14 #60d3d1
color7 #adadad
color15 #eeeeee
selection_foreground #202020

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #0e100a
foreground #f7f7f7
cursor #9fda9c
selection_background #9ba686
color0 #4d4d4d
color8 #5a5a5a
color1 #c70031
color9 #f01578
color2 #29cf13
color10 #6ce05c
color3 #d8e30e
color11 #f3f79e
color4 #3449d1
color12 #97a4f7
color5 #8400ff
color13 #c495f0
color6 #0798ab
color14 #68f2e0
color7 #e2d1e3
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #0e100a

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #212121
foreground #949494
cursor #424242
selection_background #424242
color0 #2b2b2b
color8 #444747
color1 #d35a5f
color9 #d3222e
color2 #afba66
color10 #aabb39
color3 #e5d289
color11 #e4bd39
color4 #a0b9d5
color12 #6599d5
color5 #bf92d5
color13 #aa52d5
color6 #91beb6
color14 #5fbfad
color7 #3b3c3c
color15 #c0c2c2
selection_foreground #212121

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #050014
foreground #736d7c
cursor #8b91fa
selection_background #36323b
color0 #230045
color8 #362c45
color1 #7c1525
color9 #df5066
color2 #337e6f
color10 #52e0c4
color3 #7f6f49
color11 #e0c286
color4 #4f4a7f
color12 #8e86df
color5 #593f7e
color13 #a675df
color6 #57767f
color14 #9ad3df
color7 #736d7c
color15 #8b91fa
selection_foreground #050014

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2f2f2f
foreground #afc2c2
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #7cbeff
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #ff2f2f
color9 #ff2f2f
color2 #549a6f
color10 #549a6f
color3 #ccac00
color11 #ccac00
color4 #0099cc
color12 #0099cc
color5 #cc68c8
color13 #cc68c8
color6 #79c4cc
color14 #79c4cc
color7 #bccccc
color15 #bccccc
selection_foreground #2f2f2f

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #000000
foreground #afc2c2
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #7cbeff
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #ff2f2f
color9 #ff2f2f
color2 #549a6f
color10 #549a6f
color3 #ccac00
color11 #ccac00
color4 #0099cc
color12 #0099cc
color5 #cc68c8
color13 #cc68c8
color6 #79c4cc
color14 #79c4cc
color7 #bccccc
color15 #bccccc
selection_foreground #000000

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #000000
foreground #afc2c2
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #7cbeff
color0 #bbcbcc
color8 #ffffff
color1 #ff2f2f
color9 #ff2f2f
color2 #549a6f
color10 #549a6f
color3 #ccac00
color11 #ccac00
color4 #0099cc
color12 #0099cc
color5 #cc68c8
color13 #cc68c8
color6 #79c4cc
color14 #79c4cc
color7 #000000
color15 #000000
selection_foreground #000000

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Theme ported from the Mac Terminal application.
background #fef49c
foreground #000000
cursor #7f7f7f
selection_background #a4c9cd
color0 #000000
color8 #666666
color1 #cc0000
color9 #e50000
color2 #00a600
color10 #00d900
color3 #999900
color11 #e5e500
color4 #0000b2
color12 #0000ff
color5 #b200b2
color13 #e500e5
color6 #00a6b2
color14 #00e5e5
color7 #cccccc
color15 #e5e5e5
selection_foreground #fef49c

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #eaeaea
foreground #222221
cursor #16aec9
selection_background #c1c1c1
color0 #212121
color8 #424242
color1 #b7141e
color9 #e83a3f
color2 #457b23
color10 #7aba39
color3 #f5971d
color11 #fee92e
color4 #134eb2
color12 #53a4f3
color5 #550087
color13 #a94dbb
color6 #0e707c
color14 #26bad1
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #d8d8d8
selection_foreground #eaeaea

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #222221
foreground #e4e4e4
cursor #16aec9
selection_background #dedede
color0 #212121
color8 #424242
color1 #b7141e
color9 #e83a3f
color2 #457b23
color10 #7aba39
color3 #f5971d
color11 #fee92e
color4 #134eb2
color12 #53a4f3
color5 #550087
color13 #a94dbb
color6 #0e707c
color14 #26bad1
color7 #eeeeee
color15 #d8d8d8
selection_foreground #222221

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #000000
foreground #bbbbbb
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #545454
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #e52222
color9 #ff5555
color2 #a6e32d
color10 #55ff55
color3 #fc951e
color11 #ffff55
color4 #c48dff
color12 #5555ff
color5 #fa2573
color13 #ff55ff
color6 #67d9f0
color14 #55ffff
color7 #f2f2f2
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #000000

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1d1808
foreground #cac296
cursor #d3b92f
selection_background #616cab
color0 #000000
color8 #5e5118
color1 #b54c00
color9 #ff9148
color2 #7c8a16
color10 #b1c93a
color3 #d2bd25
color11 #ffe449
color4 #606baf
color12 #abb8ff
color5 #8b5990
color13 #fe9fff
color6 #906b25
color14 #ffbb51
color7 #c9c199
color15 #fed597
selection_foreground #1d1808

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #2d3743
foreground #e1e1e0
cursor #000000
selection_background #2d37ff
color0 #000000
color8 #545454
color1 #ff4141
color9 #ff3241
color2 #74ae68
color10 #74cc68
color3 #ffac28
color11 #ffb928
color4 #338e86
color12 #23d6d6
color5 #9413e5
color13 #ff37ff
color6 #23d6d6
color14 #00ece1
color7 #e1e1df
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #2d3743

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #121212
foreground #bbbbbb
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #b4d5ff
color0 #121212
color8 #545454
color1 #fa2573
color9 #f5669c
color2 #97e123
color10 #b0e05e
color3 #dfd460
color11 #fef26c
color4 #0f7fcf
color12 #00afff
color5 #8700ff
color13 #af87ff
color6 #42a7cf
color14 #50cdfe
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #121212

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #110b0d
foreground #f6d56a
cursor #c36c32
selection_background #f6d56a
color0 #341a0d
color8 #874227
color1 #9b281b
color9 #ff4230
color2 #626132
color10 #b3b163
color3 #c26e27
color11 #ff9565
color4 #515b5c
color12 #9eb2b3
color5 #9b1d29
color13 #ff5b6a
color6 #588056
color14 #89cc8e
color7 #f6d75c
color15 #ffe597
selection_foreground #110b0d

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Monokai
background #272822
foreground #f8f8f2
cursor #f8f8f2
selection_background #f8f8f2
selection_foreground #272822
active_tab_background #75715e
active_tab_foreground #272822
active_border_color #75715e
inactive_tab_background #272822
inactive_tab_foreground #75715e
inactive_border_color #75715e
url_color #f8f8f2
# 16 Color Space
# black
color0 #272822
color8 #75715e
# red
color1 #f92672
color9 #f92672
# green
color2 #a6e22e
color10 #a6e22e
# yellow
color3 #e6db74
color11 #e6db74
# blue
color4 #66d9ef
color12 #66d9ef
# magenta
color5 #fd971f
color13 #fd971f
# cyan
color6 #ae81ff
color14 #ae81ff
# white
color7 #f8f8f2
color15 #f8f8f2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3b3c35
foreground #fdfff1
cursor #fdfff1
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3b3c35
selection_background #fdfff1
# dull black
color0 #3b3c35
# light black
color8 #6e7066
# dull red
color1 #f82570
# light red
color9 #f82570
# dull green
color2 #a6e12d
# light green
color10 #a6e12d
# yellow
color3 #e4db73
# light yellow
color11 #e4db73
# blue
color4 #fc961f
# light blue
color12 #fc961f
# magenta
color5 #ae81ff
# light magenta
color13 #ae81ff
# cyan
color6 #66d9ee
# light cyan
color14 #66d9ee
# dull white
color7 #fdfff1
# bright white
color15 #fdfff1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #403e41
foreground #fcfcfa
cursor #fcfcfa
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #403e41
selection_background #fcfcfa
# dull black
color0 #403e41
# light black
color8 #727072
# dull red
color1 #ff6188
# light red
color9 #ff6188
# dull green
color2 #a9dc76
# light green
color10 #a9dc76
# yellow
color3 #ffd866
# light yellow
color11 #ffd866
# blue
color4 #fc9867
# light blue
color12 #fc9867
# magenta
color5 #ab9df2
# light magenta
color13 #ab9df2
# cyan
color6 #78dce8
# light cyan
color14 #78dce8
# dull white
color7 #fcfcfa
# bright white
color15 #fcfcfa

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3a4449
foreground #f2fffc
cursor #f2fffc
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3a4449
selection_background #f2fffc
# dull black
color0 #3a4449
# light black
color8 #6b7678
# dull red
color1 #ff6d7e
# light red
color9 #ff6d7e
# dull green
color2 #a2e57b
# light green
color10 #a2e57b
# yellow
color3 #ffed72
# light yellow
color11 #ffed72
# blue
color4 #ffb270
# light blue
color12 #ffb270
# magenta
color5 #baa0f8
# light magenta
color13 #baa0f8
# cyan
color6 #7cd5f1
# light cyan
color14 #7cd5f1
# dull white
color7 #f2fffc
# bright white
color15 #f2fffc

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #3a3d4b
foreground #eaf2f1
cursor #eaf2f1
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #3a3d4b
selection_background #eaf2f1
# dull black
color0 #3a3d4b
# light black
color8 #696d77
# dull red
color1 #ff657a
# light red
color9 #ff657a
# dull green
color2 #bad761
# light green
color10 #bad761
# yellow
color3 #ffd76d
# light yellow
color11 #ffd76d
# blue
color4 #ff9b5e
# light blue
color12 #ff9b5e
# magenta
color5 #c39ac9
# light magenta
color13 #c39ac9
# cyan
color6 #9cd1bb
# light cyan
color14 #9cd1bb
# dull white
color7 #eaf2f1
# bright white
color15 #eaf2f1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #403838
foreground #fff1f3
cursor #fff1f3
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #403838
selection_background #fff1f3
# dull black
color0 #403838
# light black
color8 #72696a
# dull red
color1 #fd6883
# light red
color9 #fd6883
# dull green
color2 #adda78
# light green
color10 #adda78
# yellow
color3 #f9cc6c
# light yellow
color11 #f9cc6c
# blue
color4 #f38d70
# light blue
color12 #f38d70
# magenta
color5 #a8a9eb
# light magenta
color13 #a8a9eb
# cyan
color6 #85dacc
# light cyan
color14 #85dacc
# dull white
color7 #fff1f3
# bright white
color15 #fff1f3

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
background #363537
foreground #f7f1ff
cursor #f7f1ff
cursor_text_color #000000
selection_foreground #363537
selection_background #f7f1ff
# dull black
color0 #363537
# light black
color8 #69676c
# dull red
color1 #fc618d
# light red
color9 #fc618d
# dull green
color2 #7bd88f
# light green
color10 #7bd88f
# yellow
color3 #fce566
# light yellow
color11 #fce566
# blue
color4 #fd9353
# light blue
color12 #fd9353
# magenta
color5 #948ae3
# light magenta
color13 #948ae3
# cyan
color6 #5ad4e6
# light cyan
color14 #5ad4e6
# dull white
color7 #f7f1ff
# bright white
color15 #f7f1ff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #191919
foreground #c4c4b5
cursor #f6f6ec
selection_background #343434
color0 #191919
color8 #615e4b
color1 #f3005f
color9 #f3005f
color2 #97e023
color10 #97e023
color3 #fa8419
color11 #dfd561
color4 #9c64fe
color12 #9c64fe
color5 #f3005f
color13 #f3005f
color6 #57d1ea
color14 #57d1ea
color7 #c4c4b5
color15 #f6f6ee
selection_foreground #191919

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #222222
foreground #a0a0a0
cursor #a99075
selection_background #4d4d4d
color0 #383838
color8 #474747
color1 #a95551
color9 #a97775
color2 #666666
color10 #8c8c8c
color3 #a98051
color11 #a99175
color4 #657d3e
color12 #98bd5e
color5 #767676
color13 #a3a3a3
color6 #c9c9c9
color14 #dcdcdc
color7 #d0b8a3
color15 #d8c8bb
selection_foreground #222222

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #271f19
foreground #ffffff
cursor #ffffff
selection_background #253b76
color0 #000000
color8 #000000
color1 #800000
color9 #800000
color2 #61ce3c
color10 #61ce3c
color3 #fbde2d
color11 #fbde2d
color4 #253b76
color12 #253b76
color5 #ff0080
color13 #ff0080
color6 #8da6ce
color14 #8da6ce
color7 #f8f8f8
color15 #f8f8f8
selection_foreground #271f19

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #1b1d22
foreground #e6e8ee
cursor #f6f6ec
selection_background #2e353d
color0 #22252b
color8 #22252b
color1 #b53f36
color9 #b53f36
color2 #5ab977
color10 #5ab977
color3 #ddb566
color11 #ddb566
color4 #6a7b92
color12 #6a7b92
color5 #a3799d
color13 #a3799d
color6 #3f93a8
color14 #3f93a8
color7 #e6e8ee
color15 #ebedf2
selection_foreground #1b1d22

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #000000
foreground #bbbbbb
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #b4d5ff
color0 #4c4c4c
color8 #545454
color1 #bb0000
color9 #ff5555
color2 #5ede8f
color10 #55ff55
color3 #f2f067
color11 #ffff55
color4 #266ad7
color12 #5555ff
color5 #bb00bb
color13 #ff55ff
color6 #00d9df
color14 #55ffff
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #000000

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #171717
foreground #bbbbbb
cursor #bbbbbb
selection_background #b4d5ff
color0 #4c4c4c
color8 #545454
color1 #bb0000
color9 #ff5555
color2 #03f622
color10 #7df61c
color3 #f2f067
color11 #ffff55
color4 #63d0f0
color12 #62cae7
color5 #ce6fda
color13 #ff9af5
color6 #00d9df
color14 #00ccd7
color7 #bbbbbb
color15 #ffffff
selection_foreground #171717

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
background #3c4c54
foreground #8798a3
cursor #7fc1c9
color0 #8799a4
color8 #c4d3dc
color1 #efc08d
color9 #ef8358
color2 #a6cb91
color10 #a8ce93
color3 #d7d690
color11 #e5e77f
color4 #83afe4
color12 #69c8ff
color5 #d460da
color13 #d18ec2
color6 #7fc1b6
color14 #00e59f
color7 #c4d3dc
color15 #e6eef3
selection_foreground #3c4c54
selection_background #7fc1ca

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more