    "head": {
        "type": "header",
        "description": "Settings"
    "click-action": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "description": "Click action",
        "default": "show_desktop",
        "options": {
            "Show the desktop": "show_desktop",
            "Show the desklets": "show_desklets",
            "Show the workspace selector (Expo)": "show_expo",
            "Show the window selector (Scale)": "show_scale"
        "value": "show_desktop"
    "middle-click-action": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "description": "Middle click action",
        "default": "show_desklets",
        "options": {
            "Show the desktop": "show_desktop",
            "Show the desklets": "show_desklets",
            "Show the workspace selector (Expo)": "show_expo",
            "Show the window selector (Scale)": "show_scale"
        "value": "show_desklets"
    "peek-at-desktop": {
        "type": "switch",
        "default": false,
        "description": "Peek at the desktop on hover",
        "tooltip": "Peek at the desktop when hovering the applet",
        "value": false
    "peek-blur": {
        "type": "switch",
        "default": false,
        "dependency": "peek-at-desktop",
        "description": "Blur effect",
        "tooltip": "Blur windows when peeking at the desktop",
        "value": false
    "peek-delay": {
        "type": "spinbutton",
        "default": 400,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 1000,
        "step": 50,
        "units": "milliseconds",
        "dependency": "peek-at-desktop",
        "description": "Hover delay",
        "tooltip": "Delay before Peek shows desktop",
        "value": 400
    "peek-opacity": {
        "type": "scale",
        "default": 5,
        "units": "%",
        "digits": 0,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 100,
        "step": 5,
        "dependency": "peek-at-desktop",
        "description": "Window opacity",
        "tooltip": "Change the opacity of windows when peeking at the desktop",
        "value": 5
    "__md5__": "c9d80feef5e24b1ccab9b6a03c1a5717"