{ "head0": { "type": "header", "description": "Settings for diskspace@schorschii" }, "head1": { "type": "header", "description": "General" }, "type": { "type": "combobox", "default": "filesystem", "description": "Monitor a file system or RAM usage", "tooltip": "Choose, if this desklet should show file system or RAM usage.", "options": { "Filesystem": "filesystem", "RAM": "ram", "Swap": "swap" }, "value": "filesystem" }, "filesystem": { "type": "filechooser", "default": "/", "description": "Filesystem to monitor", "tooltip": "Select the file system, which you want to monitor.", "allow-none": true, "select-dir": true, "value": "/" }, "onclick-action": { "type": "combobox", "default": "filemanager", "description": "Action on mouse click", "tooltip": "Choose what to do when the desklet was clicked.", "options": { "Open File Manager": "filemanager", "Open Partition Manager": "partitionmanager", "Open System Monitor": "sysmonitor", "Nothing": "nothing" }, "value": "filemanager" }, "head2": { "type": "header", "description": "Visual" }, "design": { "type": "combobox", "default": "thin", "description": "Design", "options": { "Thin": "thin", "Compact": "compact", "Classic (Thick)": "classic" }, "value": "thin" }, "text-view": { "type": "combobox", "default": "used-size", "description": "Text", "options": { "Name and total space": "name-size", "Used and total space": "used-size", "Total and used space": "size-used", "Free and total space": "free-size", "Total and free space": "size-free", "No text": "none" }, "value": "used-size" }, "size-prefix": { "type": "combobox", "default": "binary", "description": "Size Prefix", "options": { "Decimal": "decimal", "Binary": "binary" }, "value": "binary" }, "hide-decorations": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Hide decorations", "default": false, "value": false }, "draw-free-space": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Draw free/unused space (gray)", "default": true, "value": true }, "use-own-circle-color": { "type": "checkbox", "default": false, "description": "Use a custom circle color", "value": false }, "circle-color": { "type": "colorchooser", "default": "rgba(83,199,160,1.0)", "description": "Circle color", "dependency": "use-own-circle-color", "value": "rgba(83,199,160,1.0)" }, "text-color": { "type": "colorchooser", "default": "rgba(255,255,255,1.0)", "description": "Text color", "value": "rgba(255,255,255,1.0)" }, "scale-size": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 1, "min": 0.4, "max": 10, "step": 0.2, "units": "scale factor", "description": "Desklet size", "tooltip": "Increase or decrease the size of this desklet using this scale factor.", "value": 1 }, "head3": { "type": "header", "description": "Custom desklet label (only visible if decorations are enabled)" }, "use-custom-label": { "type": "checkbox", "default": false, "description": "Use a custom desklet label", "tooltip": "Checking this box allows you to set a custom label in the field below.", "value": false }, "custom-label": { "type": "entry", "default": "Filesystem /", "description": "Custom desklet label", "indent": true, "dependency": "use-custom-label", "tooltip": "Set your custom label here. This field is unavailable unless the checkbox above is enabled.", "value": "Filesystem /" }, "random-circle-color-generated": { "type": "generic", "default": false, "value": true }, "random-circle-color-r": { "type": "generic", "default": 1, "value": 0.18888784063438713 }, "random-circle-color-g": { "type": "generic", "default": 1, "value": 0.6031503814720539 }, "random-circle-color-b": { "type": "generic", "default": 1, "value": 1 }, "__md5__": "f5a43280f94b41a7dd26dee7dd823a1e" }