A super concise theme for Hugo
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2020-04-20 02:09:00 +08:00
archetypes feat(post): add out-of-date content warning (#68) 2018-06-01 00:06:14 +08:00
assets fix(js): infnity scrolling post on the Chrome and Safari (#225) 2020-04-18 23:27:15 +08:00
exampleSite docs(config.toml): fix spelling of "your" (#173) 2019-09-03 21:42:29 +08:00
i18n i18n(*): make sure ellipsis after includes 3 periods (#172) 2019-09-03 21:41:17 +08:00
images docs: add showcase image, change default qrcode image 2017-09-13 00:25:59 +08:00
layouts chore(build): drop webpack and use Hugo Pipes (#130) 2020-04-13 21:18:35 +08:00
resources/_gen/assets/scss/sass chore(*): add missing resources file 2020-04-16 20:32:38 +08:00
static chore(static/dist): remove unused files 2020-04-16 00:53:21 +08:00
.gitignore chore(.gitignore): remove .gitignore entries not needed anymore (#246) 2020-04-20 02:09:00 +08:00
CHANGELOG.md chore(*): release 4.0.0 2018-11-06 19:00:57 +08:00
LICENSE.md 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
README-zh.md docs(README): update 2020-04-16 20:45:13 +08:00
README.md docs(README): update 2020-04-16 20:45:13 +08:00
theme.toml chore(hugo): min version 0.60.0 2020-04-16 20:47:16 +08:00


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A super concise theme for Hugo

It's a port of the hexo-theme-even

Demo | 中文说明




$ git clone https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even themes/even

Important: Take a look inside the exampleSite folder of this theme. You'll find a file called config.toml. To use it, copy the config.toml in the root folder of your Hugo site. Feel free to change it.

Important: This theme uses Hugo Pipes. Modifing contents in asserts requires the extended version to be installed.

NOTE: For this theme, you should use post instead of posts, namely hugo new post/some-content.md.

Language Support

Translations are collected from the themes/even/i18n/ folder (built into the theme), as well as translations present in i18n/ at the root of your project. The translations will be merged and take precedence over what is in the theme folder.

To use the translations, just set a correct value for defaultContentLanguage.

defaultContentLanguage = "en"  # en / zh-cn / other...

Can also support any other languages as well. For example, to support german, create a file /i18n/de.yaml in the root folder of your Hugo site. For reference template you can see the en.yaml file.

P.S. In multilingual mode, the language which currently being used to render the website will be used.


In order to customize the favicon you need to place all the following files in the static folder at the root of your site, which will overwrite those files in the themes/even/static/ folder.

  • android-chrome-192x192.png
  • android-chrome-512x512.png
  • apple-touch-icon.png
  • browserconfig.xml
  • favicon.ico
  • favicon-16x16.png
  • favicon-32x32.png
  • manifest.json
  • mstile-150x150.png
  • safari-pinned-tab.svg

A favicon generator can help you generate these files.

Front Matter

You can customize something for a single content in the content's front-matter. The themes/even/archetypes/default.md shows all available params. Copy this file in the archetypes folder at the root of your project will be useful.


This theme provides center, right, left, music, admonition shortcodes, and support center, right, left class for the built-in figure. See more information from there.

Theme Color

There are five built-in theme colors ( Default | Mint Green | Cobalt Blue | Hot Pink | Dark Violet ), you can config it by changing the $theme-color-config value in /assets/sass/_variable.scss.

Update Theme

cd ./themes/even/
git pull


Released under the MIT License.
