A super concise theme for Hugo
Find a file
2017-08-31 00:18:22 +08:00
archetypes refactor: copyright -> contentCopyright 2017-08-30 22:32:17 +08:00
data/even fix: data file format error 2017-08-30 15:40:58 +08:00
layouts fix: always use relURL 2017-08-31 00:18:22 +08:00
src 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
static 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
.gitignore 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
LICENSE.md 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
package.json 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00
README.md docs: config CJKLanguage, theme info 2017-08-28 17:03:07 +08:00
theme.toml 🎉 first commit 2017-08-27 22:38:42 +08:00


A super simple theme for Hugo

该主题完全移植自 hexo-theme-even


在线预览 Demo


  • 自定义样式
  • 支持 Fancybox
  • 版权信息,自定义许可协议
  • 文章打赏,添加二维码




$ git clone https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even themes/even

Getting Start



baseURL = "http://localhost:1313"
languageCode = "zh-CN"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-CN"
title = "olOwOlo"
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableEmoji = true
# 自动检测是否包含 中文\韩文\日文
hasCJKLanguage = true

theme = "even"

# 首页显示的文章条目数量默认为10可选
paginate = 5

# Disqus Username可选
disqusShortname = "disqus_shortname"

# Google Analytics UA number可选
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"

# Copyright of your post可选
copyright = "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/cn/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"中国大陆 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CN)\">署名-非商用-相同方式共享 3.0</a>"

  name = "olOwOlo"

  changefreq = "weekly"
  priority = 0.5
  filename = "sitemap.xml"


PS: Archives 的 url 为 /post/

  name = "Home"
  weight = 10
  identifier = "home"
  url = "/"
  name = "Archives"
  weight = 20
  identifier = "archives"
  url = "/post/"
  name = "Tags"
  weight = 30
  identifier = "tags"
  url = "/tags/"
  name = "Categories"
  weight = 40
  identifier = "categories"
  url = "/categories/"
  name = "About"
  weight = 50
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/"


  # 请勿更改
  version = "2.5.0"
  # 站点建立时间
  since = "2017"
  # 站点信息(可选)
  keywords = ["olOwOlo", "blog", "博客"]
  description = "olOwOlo blog."
  # 归档、标签、分类每页显示的文章数目
  archive-paginate = 50
  # 一些全局开关(你可以在每一篇内容的 front matter 中单独关闭某些选项)
  toc = true                # 是否开启目录
  fancybox = true           # 是否启用fancybox图片可点击
  bootcdn = true            # 是否使用bootcdn(针对大陆推荐使用)
  mathjax = false           # 是否使用mathjax数学公式
  linkToMarkDown = false    # 是否在链接到markdown原始文件如果你愿意共享你的markdown文件

  # 文章打赏
    enable = true
    wechat = "/path/to/your/image.png"
    alipay = ""
  # 第三方服务
  # Changyan
  changyanAppid = ""
  changyanAppkey = ""
  # baidu push
  baidu_push = false
  # Baidu Analytics
  baidu_analytics = ""
  # Baidu Verification
  baidu_verification = ""
  # Google Verification
  google_verification = ""

  # 社交链接
    a-email = "your@email.com"
    b-stack-overflow = ""
    c-twitter = ""
    d-facebook = ""
    e-linkedin = ""
    f-google = ""
    g-github = ""
    h-weibo = ""
    i-zhihu = ""
    j-douban = ""
    k-pocket = ""
    l-tumblr = ""

输出 markdown 文件(可选)

在 config.toml 中添加以下代码即可,此时将linkToMarkDown设置为true即可生效

    suffix = "md"

  mediaType = "text/plain"
  isPlainText = true
  isHTML = false

  home = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  page = ["HTML", "MarkDown"]
  section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]


  • favicon.ico: 将你的 favicon.ico 放置在/static目录下即可

  • 主题颜色: 主题自带 Default | Mint Green | Cobalt Blue | Hot Pink | Dark Violet 五种颜色



  • front matter: /even/archetypes/default.md中说明了一些你可以在文章的 front matter 中使用的参数,你可以有选择性将其添加至你的/archetypes/default.md模板中

    title: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}"
    date: {{ .Date }}
    lastmod: {{ .Date }}
    draft: true
    keywords: []
    description: ""
    tags: []
    categories: []
    # 如果这一篇内容的作者有些不同
    author: ""
    # 如果你在 config.toml 中打开了某些功能,你可以针对某一篇内容关闭它
    comment: false
    toc: false
    # 你也可以为这一篇内容定义另一个许可协议,使用 copyright: "这是另一个协议!"
    copyright: false 
    reward: false
    mathjax: false
  • 设置站点语言: /data/even/default.toml默认使用了中文语言,你可以按需更改。注意:主题只会使用default.toml文件,修改其他文件并不会生效。


如果你修改了 /src/ 目录下的任意文件,你需要重新编译使其生效

cd ./themes/even/src/
# 安装依赖环境
npm install
# 编译
npm start

一份完整的 config.toml 配置文件

baseURL = "http://localhost:1313"
languageCode = "zh-CN"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-CN"
title = "olOwOlo"
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableEmoji = true
# 自动检测是否包含 中文\韩文\日文
hasCJKLanguage = true

theme = "even"

# 首页显示的文章条目数量默认为10可选
paginate = 5

# Disqus Username可选
disqusShortname = "disqus_shortname"

# Google Analytics UA number可选
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"

# Copyright of your post可选
copyright = "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/cn/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"中国大陆 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CN)\">署名-非商用-相同方式共享 3.0</a>"

  name = "olOwOlo"

  changefreq = "weekly"
  priority = 0.5
  filename = "sitemap.xml"

# 目录
  name = "Home"
  weight = 10
  identifier = "home"
  url = "/"
  name = "Archives"
  weight = 20
  identifier = "archives"
  url = "/post/"
  name = "Tags"
  weight = 30
  identifier = "tags"
  url = "/tags/"
  name = "Categories"
  weight = 40
  identifier = "categories"
  url = "/categories/"
  name = "About"
  weight = 50
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/"
  # 请勿更改
  version = "2.5.0"
  # 站点建立时间
  since = "2017"
  # 站点信息(可选)
  keywords = ["olOwOlo", "blog", "博客"]
  description = "olOwOlo blog."
  # 归档、标签、分类每页显示的文章数目
  archive-paginate = 50
  # 一些全局开关(你可以在每一篇内容的 front matter 中单独关闭某些选项)
  toc = true                # 是否开启目录
  fancybox = true           # 是否启用fancybox图片可点击
  bootcdn = true            # 是否使用bootcdn(针对大陆推荐使用)
  mathjax = false           # 是否使用mathjax数学公式
  linkToMarkDown = false    # 是否在链接到markdown原始文件如果你愿意共享你的markdown文件

  # 文章打赏
    enable = true
    wechat = "/path/to/your/image.png"
    alipay = ""
  # 第三方服务
  # Changyan
  changyanAppid = ""
  changyanAppkey = ""
  # baidu push
  baidu_push = false
  # Baidu Analytics
  baidu_analytics = ""
  # Baidu Verification
  baidu_verification = ""
  # Google Verification
  google_verification = ""

  # 社交链接
    a-email = "your@email.com"
    b-stack-overflow = ""
    c-twitter = ""
    d-facebook = ""
    e-linkedin = ""
    f-google = ""
    g-github = ""
    h-weibo = ""
    i-zhihu = ""
    j-douban = ""
    k-pocket = ""
    l-tumblr = ""


Released under the MIT License.



  • 一个好看的出现在 Quick Start 里的主题: ananke
  • 一个好看的源主题: hexo-theme-even
  • 一个好看的国语主题: hugo-nuo