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synced 2025-02-22 07:40:01 +00:00
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143 lines
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# General config taken from https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland
# HDMI port: mirror display. To see device name, use `hyprctl monitors`
# monitor=HDMI-A-1,1920x1080@60,1920x0,1,mirror,eDP-1
input {
# Keyboard: Add a layout and uncomment kb_options for Win+Space switching shortcut
kb_layout = us
# kb_options = grp:win_space_toggle
numlock_by_default = false
repeat_delay = 250
repeat_rate = 35
touchpad {
natural_scroll = no
disable_while_typing = true
clickfinger_behavior = true
scroll_factor = 0.5
sensitivity = 1.4 # [-1.0, 1.0]
special_fallthrough = true
follow_mouse = 1
binds {
# focus_window_on_workspace_c# For Auto-run stuff see execs.confhange = true
scroll_event_delay = 0
gestures {
workspace_swipe = true
workspace_swipe_distance = 700
workspace_swipe_fingers = 3
workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio = 0.2
workspace_swipe_min_speed_to_force = 5
workspace_swipe_direction_lock = true
workspace_swipe_direction_lock_threshold = 10
workspace_swipe_create_new = true
general {
# Gaps and border
gaps_in = 4
gaps_out = 5
gaps_workspaces = 50
border_size = 1
# Fallback colors
col.active_border = rgba(0DB7D4FF)
col.inactive_border = rgba(31313600)
resize_on_border = true
no_focus_fallback = true
layout = dwindle
allow_tearing = false
dwindle {
preserve_split = true
# no_gaps_when_only = 1
smart_split = false
smart_resizing = false
decoration {
rounding = 20
blur {
enabled = true
xray = true
special = false
new_optimizations = true
size = 7
passes = 4
brightness = 1
noise = 0.01
contrast = 1
# Shadow
drop_shadow = false
shadow_ignore_window = true
shadow_range = 20
shadow_offset = 0 2
shadow_render_power = 2
col.shadow = rgba(0000001A)
# Shader
# screen_shader = ~/.config/hypr/shaders/nothing.frag
# screen_shader = ~/.config/hypr/shaders/vibrance.frag
# Dim
dim_inactive = false
dim_strength = 0.1
dim_special = 0
animations {
enabled = true
# Animation curves
bezier = linear, 0, 0, 1, 1
bezier = md3_standard, 0.2, 0, 0, 1
bezier = md3_decel, 0.05, 0.7, 0.1, 1
bezier = md3_accel, 0.3, 0, 0.8, 0.15
bezier = overshot, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.1
bezier = crazyshot, 0.1, 1.5, 0.76, 0.92
bezier = hyprnostretch, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.0
bezier = fluent_decel, 0.1, 1, 0, 1
bezier = easeInOutCirc, 0.85, 0, 0.15, 1
bezier = easeOutCirc, 0, 0.55, 0.45, 1
bezier = easeOutExpo, 0.16, 1, 0.3, 1
bezier = softAcDecel, 0.26, 0.26, 0.15, 1
# Animation configs
animation = windows, 1, 3, md3_decel, popin 60%
animation = border, 1, 10, default
animation = fade, 1, 2.5, md3_decel
# animation = workspaces, 1, 3.5, md3_decel, slide
animation = workspaces, 1, 7, fluent_decel, slide
# animation = workspaces, 1, 2.5, softAcDecel, slide
# animation = workspaces, 1, 7, fluent_decel, slidefade 15%
# animation = specialWorkspace, 1, 3, md3_decel, slidefadevert 15%
animation = specialWorkspace, 1, 3, md3_decel, slidevert
misc {
vfr = 1
vrr = 1
# layers_hog_mouse_focus = true
focus_on_activate = true
animate_manual_resizes = false
animate_mouse_windowdragging = false
enable_swallow = false
swallow_regex = (foot|kitty|allacritty|Alacritty)
disable_hyprland_logo = true
force_default_wallpaper = 0
new_window_takes_over_fullscreen = 2