  plugins.fidget = {
    enable = true;
    logger = {
      level = "warn"; # “off”, “error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug”, “trace”
      floatPrecision = 0.01; # Limit the number of decimals displayed for floats
    progress = {
      pollRate = 0; # How and when to poll for progress messages
      suppressOnInsert = true; # Suppress new messages while in insert mode
      ignoreDoneAlready = false; # Ignore new tasks that are already complete
      ignoreEmptyMessage = false; # Ignore new tasks that don't contain a message
      clearOnDetach =
        # Clear notification group when LSP server detaches
            local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
            return client and client.name or nil
      notificationGroup =
        # How to get a progress message's notification group key
          function(msg) return msg.lsp_client.name end
      ignore = []; # List of LSP servers to ignore
      lsp = {
        progressRingbufSize = 0; # Configure the nvim's LSP progress ring buffer size
      display = {
        renderLimit = 16; # How many LSP messages to show at once
        doneTtl = 3; # How long a message should persist after completion
        doneIcon = "✔"; # Icon shown when all LSP progress tasks are complete
        doneStyle = "Constant"; # Highlight group for completed LSP tasks
        progressTtl = "math.huge"; # How long a message should persist when in progress
        progressIcon = {
          pattern = "dots";
          period = 1;
        }; # Icon shown when LSP progress tasks are in progress
        progressStyle = "WarningMsg"; # Highlight group for in-progress LSP tasks
        groupStyle = "Title"; # Highlight group for group name (LSP server name)
        iconStyle = "Question"; # Highlight group for group icons
        priority = 30; # Ordering priority for LSP notification group
        skipHistory = true; # Whether progress notifications should be omitted from history
        formatMessage = ''
          require ("fidget.progress.display").default_format_message
        ''; # How to format a progress message
        formatAnnote = ''
          function (msg) return msg.title end
        ''; # How to format a progress annotation
        formatGroupName = ''
          function (group) return tostring (group) end
        ''; # How to format a progress notification group's name
        overrides = {
          rust_analyzer = {
            name = "rust-analyzer";
        }; # Override options from the default notification config
    notification = {
      pollRate = 10; # How frequently to update and render notifications
      filter = "info"; # “off”, “error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug”, “trace”
      historySize = 128; # Number of removed messages to retain in history
      overrideVimNotify = true;
      redirect = ''
        function(msg, level, opts)
          if opts and opts.on_open then
            return require("fidget.integration.nvim-notify").delegate(msg, level, opts)
      configs = {
        default = "require('fidget.notification').default_config";

      window = {
        normalHl = "Comment";
        winblend = 0;
        border = "none"; # none, single, double, rounded, solid, shadow
        zindex = 45;
        maxWidth = 0;
        maxHeight = 0;
        xPadding = 1;
        yPadding = 0;
        align = "bottom";
        relative = "editor";
      view = {
        stackUpwards = true; # Display notification items from bottom to top
        iconSeparator = " "; # Separator between group name and icon
        groupSeparator = "---"; # Separator between notification groups
        groupSeparatorHl =
          # Highlight group used for group separator