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The [WordPress CLI](https://wp-cli.org/) is a command-line tool for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.
This plugin adds [tab completion](https://wp-cli.org/#tab-completions) for `wp-cli` as well as several aliases for commonly used commands.
To use it, add `wp-cli` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... wp-cli)
**Maintainer:** [joshmedeski](https://github.com/joshmedeski)
## Aliases
The entire list of `wp-cli` commands can be found here: https://developer.wordpress.org/cli/commands/
| Alias | Command |
| **Core** |
| `wpcc` | `wp core config` |
| `wpcd` | `wp core download` |
| `wpci` | `wp core install` |
| `wpcii` | `wp core is-installed` |
| `wpcmc` | `wp core multisite-convert` |
| `wpcmi` | `wp core multisite-install` |
| `wpcu` | `wp core update` |
| `wpcudb` | `wp core update-db` |
| `wpcvc` | `wp core verify-checksums` |
| **Cron** |
| `wpcre` | `wp cron event` |
| `wpcrs` | `wp cron schedule` |
| `wpcrt` | `wp cron test` |
| **Database** |
| `wpdbe` | `wp db export` |
| `wpdbi` | `wp db import` |
| `wpdbcr` | `wp db create` |
| `wpdbs` | `wp db search` |
| `wpdbch` | `wp db check` |
| `wpdbr` | `wp db repair` |
| **Menu** |
| `wpmc` | `wp menu create` |
| `wpmd` | `wp menu delete` |
| `wpmi` | `wp menu item` |
| `wpml` | `wp menu list` |
| `wpmlo` | `wp menu location` |
| **Plugin** |
| `wppa` | `wp plugin activate` |
| `wppda` | `wp plugin deactivate` |
| `wppd` | `wp plugin delete` |
| `wppg` | `wp plugin get` |
| `wppi` | `wp plugin install` |
| `wppis` | `wp plugin is-installed` |
| `wppl` | `wp plugin list` |
| `wppp` | `wp plugin path` |
| `wpps` | `wp plugin search` |
| `wppst` | `wp plugin status` |
| `wppt` | `wp plugin toggle` |
| `wppun` | `wp plugin uninstall` |
| `wppu` | `wp plugin update` |
| **Post** |
| `wppoc` | `wp post create` |
| `wppod` | `wp post delete` |
| `wppoe` | `wp post edit` |
| `wppogen` | `wp post generate` |
| `wppog` | `wp post get` |
| `wppol` | `wp post list` |
| `wppom` | `wp post meta` |
| `wppou` | `wp post update` |
| `wppourl` | `wp post url` |
| **Sidebar** |
| `wpsbl` | `wp sidebar list` |
| **Theme** |
| `wpta` | `wp theme activate` |
| `wptd` | `wp theme delete` |
| `wptdis` | `wp theme disable` |
| `wpte` | `wp theme enable` |
| `wptg` | `wp theme get` |
| `wpti` | `wp theme install` |
| `wptis` | `wp theme is-installed` |
| `wptl` | `wp theme list` |
| `wptm` | `wp theme mod` |
| `wptp` | `wp theme path` |
| `wpts` | `wp theme search` |
| `wptst` | `wp theme status` |
| `wptu` | `wp theme update` |
| **User** |
| `wpuac` | `wp user add-cap` |
| `wpuar` | `wp user add-role` |
| `wpuc` | `wp user create` |
| `wpud` | `wp user delete` |
| `wpugen` | `wp user generate` |
| `wpug` | `wp user get` |
| `wpui` | `wp user import-csv` |
| `wpul` | `wp user list` |
| `wpulc` | `wp user list-caps` |
| `wpum` | `wp user meta` |
| `wpurc` | `wp user remove-cap` |
| `wpurr` | `wp user remove-role` |
| `wpusr` | `wp user set-role` |
| `wpuu` | `wp user update` |
| **Widget** |
| `wpwa` | `wp widget add` |
| `wpwda` | `wp widget deactivate` |
| `wpwd` | `wp widget delete` |
| `wpwl` | `wp widget list` |
| `wpwm` | `wp widget move` |
| `wpwu` | `wp widget update` |